select YEAR(JoiningDate) AS [Year] , MONTH(JoiningDate) as [Month],
DAY(JoiningDate) as [Day] from Employee
15) Get all employee details from the Employee table order by FirstName Ascending?
select * from Employee order by FirstName asc
16) Get all employee details from the Employee table order by FirstName descending?
select * from Employee order by FirstName desc
17) Get all employee details from the Employee table order by FirstName Ascending and Salary descending?
select * from Employee order by FirstName asc, Salary desc
18) Get employee details from Employee table whose employee name is “Vikas”?
select * from EMPLOYEE where FirstName='Vikas'
19) Get employee details from Employee table whose employee name are “Vikas” and “Lalit”?
select * from Employee where FirstName in ('Vikas','Lalit')
20) Get employee details from Employee table whose employee name are not “Vikas” and “Lalit”?
select * from Employee where FirstName not in ('Vikas','Lalit')
21) Get employee details from Employee table whose FirstName starts with 'V'
select * from Employee where FirstName like 'V%'
22) Get employee details from Employee table whose FirstName contains 'k'
select * from Employee where FirstName like '%k%'
23) Get employee details from Employee table whose FirstName ends with 's'
select * from Employee where FirstName like '%s'
24) Get employee details from Employee table whose Salary is greater than 70000?
select Salary from Employee where Salary>70000
25) Get employee details from Employee table whose Salary is less than 70000?
select Salary from Employee where Salary<70000
26) Get employee details from Employee table whose Salary is between 50000 and 70000?
select Salary from Employee where Salary between 50000 and 70000
27) Get employee details from Employee table whose joining year is “2015”?
select * from Employee where YEAR(JoiningDate)='2015'
28) Get employee details from Employee table whose joining month is “February”?
select * from Employee where DATENAME(month, JoiningDate)='February'
29) Get employee details from Employee table who joined before 20th June, 2015?
select * from EMPLOYEE where JoiningDate > '2015-06-20'
30) Get employee details from Employee table who joined before 20th June, 2015?
select * from EMPLOYEE where JoiningDate < '2015-06-20'
31) Get FirstName, JoiningDate and IncentiveDate from Employee and Incentives table?
select FirstName, JoiningDate, Incentivedate from Employee EMP INNER JOIN incentives INC on EMP.EmployeeId = INC.EmployeeRefId
32) Get Last Name from Employee table after replacing special character (e.g. % (if any)) with white space?
select REPLACE(LastName,'%',' ') as LastName from Employee
33) Get department, total salary with respect to a department from Employee table?
select Department,SUM(SALARY) TotalSalary from Employee group by department
34) Get Department, TotalSalary with respect to a department from Employee table order by total salary descending?
select Department, SUM(Salary) as TotalSalary from Employee group by Department order by Salary desc
35) Get department, no of employees in a department, salary with respect to a department from Employee table order by salary descending?
select Department,COUNT(FirstName) as TotalEmployee, SUM(Salary) as Salary from Employee group by DEPARTMENT order by Salary desc
36) Get department wise average salary from employee table order by salary ascending?
select Department,AVG(Salary) as AvgSalary from Employee group by Department order by AvgSalary asc
37) Get department wise maximum salary from Employee table order by salary ascending?
select Department, MAX(Salary) as MaxSalary from Employee group by Department order by MaxSalary asc
38) Get department wise minimum salary from Employee table order by salary ascending?
select Department,MIN(SALARY) MinSalary from Employee group by Department order by MinSalary asc
39) Select number of employees joined with respect to year and month from Employee table?
select DATEPART (YYYY,JoiningDate) JoiningYear,DATEPART (MM,JoiningDate) JoiningMonth,COUNT(*) TotalEmployee from
Employee group by DATEPART(YYYY,JoiningDate), DATEPART(MM,JoiningDate)
40) Select department, salary with respect to a department from Employee table where salary greater than 60000 order by Salary descending
select Department,SUM(SALARY) TotalSalary from Employee group by Department having SUM(SALARY) > 60000 order by TotalSalary desc
41) Select FirstName, incentive amount from Employee and incentives table for those employees who have incentives?
select FirstName,IncentiveAmount from Employee EMP INNER JOIN Incentives INC on EMP.EmployeeId = INC.EmployeeRefId
42) Select First Name, incentive amount from Employee and incentives table for those employees who have incentives and incentive amount greater than 5000
select FirstName,IncentiveAmount from Employee EMP INNER JOIN Incentives INC on EMP.EmployeeId = INC.EmployeeRefId and IncentiveAmount > 5000
43) Select First Name, incentive amount from Employee and Incentives table for all Employees even if they didn't get incentives?
Select FirstName,IncentiveAmount from Employee EMP LEFT JOIN Incentives INC on EMP.EmployeeId = INC.EmployeeRefId
44) Select First Name, incentive amount from Employee and Incentives table for all Employees even if they didn't get incentives and set incentive amount as 0 for those employees who didn't get Incentives?
Select FirstName, ISNULL (IncentiveAmount,0) AS IncentiveAmount from Employee EMP LEFT JOIN Incentives INC on EMP.EmployeeId = INC.EmployeeRefId
45) Select First Name, incentive amount from Employee and incentives table for all Employees who got incentives using right join?
Select FirstName, ISNULL (IncentiveAmount,0) AS IncentiveAmount from Employee EMP RIGHT JOIN Incentives INC on EMP.EMPLOYEEID =INC.EmployeeRefId
46) Select max incentive with respect to employee from Employee and incentives table using sub query?
select Department,(select ISNULL(MAX(IncentiveAmount),0) from INCENTIVES where EmployeeRefId = EmployeeId)
MaxIncentive from Employee
47) Select TOP 2 salary from Employee table?
select top 2 * from Employee order by salary desc
48) Select second, third, fourth or nth highest/maximum salary of employee from Employee table?
49) Select FirstName, LastName from Employee table as separate rows?
select FirstName from Employee
select LastName from Employee
50) What is the difference between UNION and UNION ALL?
Both UNION and UNION ALL concatenate the result of two different SQLs. They differ in the way they handle duplicates.
UNION performs a DISTINCT on the result set, eliminating any duplicate rows.
UNION ALL does not remove duplicates and it therefore faster than UNION.
Note: While using this commands all selected columns need to be of the same data type.
51) Select Employee details from employee table if data exists in incentive table?
select * from Employee where exists (select * from Incentives)
52) Get Employee Id's of those employees who didn't receive incentives without using sub query?
select EmployeeId from Employee
select EmployeeRefId from Incentives
53) Select 20 % of salary from Vikas, 10% of Salary for Anil and for other 15 % of salary from employee table?
SELECT FirstName, CASE FirstName WHEN 'Vikas' THEN Salary * .20 WHEN 'Anil' THEN Salary * .10 ELSE Salary * .15 END "SalaryAmount" FROM
54) Select Banking as 'Bank Dept', Insurance as 'Insurance Dept' and Services as 'Services Dept' from employee table?
SELECT case Department when 'IT' then 'Information technology' when 'Banking' then 'Bank Dept' when 'Insurance' then 'Insurance Dept' when
'Services' then 'Services Dept' END as Department FROM Employee
55) Write a query to rank employees based on their incentives for a month?
select FirstName,IncentiveAmount,DENSE_RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY IncentiveDate ORDER BY IncentiveAmount DESC) AS [Rank] from Employee a,
Incentives b where a.EmployeeId = b.EmployeeRefId
56) Update IncentiveAmount to 9000 in incentive table where employee First Name is Vishal in Employee table?
update Incentives set IncentiveAmount = '9000' where EmployeeRefId =(select EmployeeId from Employee where FirstName = 'Vishal')
Now lets understand how to add or drop foreign key constraint on table
57) Write syntax to create Employee table?
EmployeeId int NOT NULL,
FirstName varchar(50) NULL,
LastName varchar(50) NULL,
Salary decimal(18, 0) NULL,
JoiningDate datetime2(7) default getdate(),
Department varchar(50) NULL
58) Write syntax to set EmployeeId as primary key in Employee table?
59) Write SQL syntax to set 2 fields(EmployeeId ,FirstName) as primary key in Employee table
60) Write syntax to drop primary key on Employee table?
61) Write SQL syntax to create EmployeeRefId in Incentives table as foreign key with respect to EmployeeId in employee table?
62) Write SQL syntax to drop foreign key on employee table?
63) Write syntax to delete employee table?
DROP table Employee