Friday, December 25, 2020

Collision Hit Detection DOM Programming JavaScript Tutorial

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<html> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <style> #player { position: absolute; top: 50px; left: 20px; background: #FC0; width: 50px; height: 50px; } .things { position: absolute; top: 75px; background: #06C; width: 25px; height: 25px; } #thing1 { left: 200px; } #thing2 { left: 300px; } #thing3 { left: 400px; } </style> <script> // Initialize some variables that our program will use
var reqID, dir; var p, t, pw, ph, px, py, tw, th, tx, ty; // This function will be set to repeat very fast
function detectCollisions(){ /* Loop over the array to access each element in - the array one by one in succession */ for(i = 0; i < t.length; i++){ // Access the current location and dimension of both objects
pw = p.offsetWidth; ph = p.offsetHeight; px = p.offsetLeft; py = p.offsetTop; tw = t[i].offsetWidth; th = t[i].offsetHeight; tx = t[i].offsetLeft; ty = t[i].offsetTop; // Check to see if player has intersected with this element in any direction
if((px+pw) > tx && px < (tx+tw) && (py+ph) > ty && py < (ty+th)){ // Do anything you want in the program when collision is detected
console.log("Collision detected with "+t[i].id); document.body.removeChild(t[i]); } } // This makes the detectCollisions() function repeat very quickly
window.requestAnimationFrame(detectCollisions); } // This function simply changes the direction the object will move
function changeDir(d) { dir = d; } // This function moves the player(thing1)
function startAnimation() { if( dir == "right" ) { = (p.offsetLeft += 2) + 'px'; } else if( dir == "left" ) { = (p.offsetLeft -= 2) + 'px'; } reqID = window.requestAnimationFrame(startAnimation); } function stopAnimation() { window.cancelAnimationFrame(reqID); } // The window load event fires this function
// This function is where you get everything ready in the program after document is fully loaded
function docReady(){ // Get object references for elements we are scripting against
p = document.getElementById("player"); t = document.getElementsByClassName("things"); // Start up the collision detection function
detectCollisions(); } // The window load event listener
window.addEventListener("load", docReady); </script> </head> <body> <div id="player"></div> <div id="thing1" class="things"></div> <div id="thing2" class="things"></div> <div id="thing3" class="things"></div> <button onmousedown="changeDir('left'); startAnimation()" onmouseup="stopAnimation()">Left</button> <button onmousedown="changeDir('right'); startAnimation()" onmouseup="stopAnimation()">Right</button> </body> </html>

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